Friday 6 November 2015

Daily Habits that will boost your intelligence Part – 2

We all know about what to do and what not to do to be focused and live a happier life but why we are still thinking and not implementing what we know? This question is very important, really important. Do you know what Essentialism is? Our upcoming blog will cover the basics of Essentialism but now we are moving about the topic to boost your intelligence, sounds catchy.

This post will give you inspiration to start considering and working on such things which are simple in life but seems to for granted. You can read the first part of this post which contains almost 5 habits
Reading in parts is better to act upon what you get instead of skimming the whole book to waste your time

Read the news paper:

The daily paper is the most capable of number of organs of news and current affairs and perspectives about men and the things. Daily papers are viewed by market analysts as a need of cutting edge life. With the development of proficiency and the improvement of the method for correspondence they are having critical influence in the public eye.

person reading newspapaer

There are numerous favorable circumstances of perusing the daily papers. Firstly the daily papers keep us in contact with the present world issues. Without them we can't know the vital news even of our own village or town. It broadens the limits of our insight and makes us feel that we are a piece of a living world.

1.   Check in with your favorite knowledge sources:

Every day you should get fresh information to add it to your general knowledge book. This is a greatly simple step. What are the websites and blogs you find while search for a topic?. As internet is full of knowledgeable resources .
your knowledge collection

Follow those who write the topics you are interested in. practice and test your knowledge. Save articles read later. Explore some history of the cause and stay updated with the current affairs and trends.

2.     Share what you learn with other people:

Sharing with others helps to expand and increase your knowledge. Sharing your skills invites new conversations. You can learn while sharing with others if you observe others opinions carefully. Help others and appreciate their skills and train them if you are an expert in your field.

share learning with others

3.     Apply what to learn:

One who don’t apply his or her learning can lose it eventually wasted his time for that thing. For example if you do a simple research about doing exercise increases your life and makes you health. So now if you don’t practically apply this then you will feel more uncomfortable with your knowledge or what you learned.

apply what you learn

4.     Write an  “I did” list

Getting things done is not always come true by writing TTD (things to do list).however it can be a way to be more productive on the other hand. Because some people believe that they can forget their important stuff so make a list

things to do image

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